Laine Issue 19

Laine Issue 19


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Get ready for winter! Laine 19, Kaolinite, celebrates the meditative nature of crafts. The beautiful, serene photos were taken in a ceramics studio, and the patterns offer a relaxing break from the everyday.

The knits in this issue feature intriguing techniques and stitch patterns. Fall in love with the simplicity of Linen Stitch, featured in the Crisp Morning vest, or relax with the engaging and easy-to-knit lace of the Plumette sweater.

In the articles, we meet the Japanese embroidery artist Tomomi Mimura and the Mayan Kaqchikel fibre artist and writer Sari Monroy. We explore the work of an American sheep shearer and find out what kind of skills knitters should practise to increase their brain health.

Laine 19 includes eleven knitting patterns: four sweaters, one cardigan, two vests, one skirt, one shawl, one hat and one pair of socks.



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